Can you think so much and so hard your brain actually hurts?? Cause the whole 6 hours my trip to mar de las pampas lasted I spent thinking, and I swear at one point it was like my brain was actually going to say: "Mora please, give me a break" (my heart also, pero ese es otro tema)
I have also always thought I was kind of a witch. No una poderosa evidentemente, pero dado que mi madre sí es bruja (y va con cariño) creo que herede algo de eso. ¿Por que? Pues porque estropee el clima en mar de las pampas. During the trip, mas ofuscada taba yo, mas nubes se formaban in the skies. Es mas, me baje en la terminal de omnibus y el cielo era el reflejo perfecto de como me sentia. Y hoy el dia esta lluvioso, ventoso, triste, just like I am. And you may laguh or not believe, I don't care...
I just wish I had a dark lonely place I could go to for these 14 days... being with ppl is the last thing I want right now :(
(a las 17.29)
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