Tuesday, August 23, 2005


I was too shocked yesterday to write anything about the news I was given. A young man had died at noon, un chico que trabajaba en la misma empresa que yo. 22 años tenía. Diego Altamirano.
I wasn't shocked about the dying part (we'll all die someday), I was shocked
1) because he was so young
2) because I knew the person. We were not close friends or anything, simply co-workers, but I knew who he was. It's not the same to learn a stranger died than to learn que alguien de tu entorno falleció.

Death always impacts, but when it takes someone young it's like a reality check for me (or a slap in the face if you like it): tiene que ver con esa omnipotencia que dicen sentimos los jóvenes supongo. Como si el hecho de ser justamente jóvenes nos eximiera de morir. De jóvenes al menos.
I often think about death, and I must admit, even though I know God exists, I can't help thinking that once we die we're dead forever. That maybe after we close our eyes for good, only darkness awaits. And it scares me. Then I wake up the following morning and being in the safety of daylight, I feel silly for those thoughts; that won't happen to me! I'm still young! I'm 26 for goodness sake!
Then of course, be it a stranger that leaves, or be it somebody I know, reality kicks in. Hard.

(a las 18.34)

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