Saturday, February 28, 2004

Starting my vacations should be more than enough reason to be happy and yet, even though I am, I'm not sure my happiness (? is that what I really feel?) is for the right reasons at all. I mean, I'm leaving and that is great, but I will have to use those 14 days off to think. A lot *sigh*
Anyway, nevermind. Ya vere que sucede (Cibi dear sis, we need to talk *lol*) Por lo pronto me voy preparando para ir a descansar y disfrutar la casita en mar de las pampas, y hacer una gran NADA la mayor parte de los 14 dias de vacaciones!!!!! *lol*
Team 6 (the best ever!), L2 group, I'll miss you guys a lot, but I want to get away for a while also!!!! *jajajajajaj*

See you when I get back!!

(a las 13.24)

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